90-60-90 – Is there such a thing as the perfect size?

Published On: September 22, 2020

Now we know how to measure ourselves and we have more weapons to disembowel the famous 90-60-90 so let’s go for it!

Are they really the perfect measurements for a woman? Is there a perfect measurement for men? Is there such a thing as the perfect measurement?

As in every story, there is a beginning.

She was the beginning

Yes, there was the first muse in the world who could boast of having the desired 90-60-90 and it was none other than Ella, the one and only: Marylin Monroe.

So at first glance we remember her as a healthy and curvy body and not like the models on the catwalks of the 90s. Something is wrong.

No need to go to the eye doctor, it turns out that Marylin was 1.66, far from the 1.80 that runway models usually measure and there is a little thing called proportions that makes the concept of perfect measurements squeak by itself.

There was a first man too!

Yes gentlemen, there is also a first. Well, actually there are several but the important thing is that there is also a myth for the perfect measurements for them.

Although there are slight differences.

You might think that the first one was Michelangelo’s David with his abs and marked arms but it turns out that he has an anatomical flaw in the absence of muscular relief between the spine and the right shoulder blade. Nothing, that the piece of marble made the sculptor’s 3 14 and he was not ready to start from scratch.

Or maybe it was Eugene Sandow, the father of bodybuilding who had a heart-stopping size and was taken as an example to create the statuette that is awarded at the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding award.

But whoever it is, it’s funny to see how in most sites that mention the perfect measurements for a man there are tables and ways to calculate the perfect body according to your symmetry and instead, women go from 90-60-90 to spare the lives of women who are spectacular but have a 85 – 63 – 92… No comment.

The proportion

There is no beauty without regular proportions

Throughout history the proportions and the canons of beauty have been changing and evolving in an infinite number of ways. If we want a more objective view we can find it in the drawing techniques and how different types of bodies have been chosen to be models.

The perfection in the measurements of a body are not dictated by the canons of beauty of advertising or television or any fashion designer. What will define the perfection of the measurements are the proportions.

The perfect size

The universities of Cambridge and Texas determined that 90-60-90 does NOT represent the perfect measurements but there are perfect measurements for every woman that are obtained from the ratio between waist and hips.

The magic number has almost a license to kill: 0.7

With a simple operation deferring the perimeter of the waist with the hips you can know if you have perfect measurements.

But honestly, who wants to be perfect, the best thing is to be happy and know how to choose your size without going crazy and if you get a hand, that’s not so bad.

las tallas de ropa

The perfect size and fit

Having the perfect size does not mean that there is a perfect clothing size or that you will have the same size in all stores.

The numerical sizes 34 and 36 have been inherited from men’s tailoring in which, as we have seen above, the primary contours of the chest and waist are taken into account. Roughly speaking, we should be able to say that when we talk about a size 50 in a male blazer, the chest circumference would be 100cm.

But as fashion evolved and tried to fit more body types within the same size is when they began to implement new systems by increasing the cm x jump between sizes.

It is nothing new that the sizes are not faithful to what they should be and as it is not obliged to respect the meaning of the measures and we have the mess served.

On the other hand, in our society, where the image is very important and we all have it in our hearts what it means to use a lower or higher size, different ways of calling them have appeared to try to avoid the burden of “fat”, “normal” or “skinny”, without realizing that in reality it is irrelevant.

This is nothing new but at least now we know how to measure ourselves so that a good size recommender like Naiz fit (hey, a little promo never hurts) can help you enjoy your online shopping.

The most important thing about a garment is that it suits you and looks good on you, no matter what it is called. When we get rid of this prejudice, maybe things will get better, who knows.